Panchapatchi Panjangam First Quarterly Jan Mar 2025

Panchapatchi Panjangam First Quarterly Jan Mar 2025

Legend has it that the Panchapatchi Sastra, the most distinguished of all arts, was orally passed down to Goddess Parvati from Lord Siva. It is known that knowledge of this art will entail success in all spheres.

There is a tradition of using this Panchapatchi Sastra to compare the characteristics of five birds, namely, vulture, owl, crow, cock and peacock, with those of humans. On the basis of a person’s birth star (nakshatra), his/her bird is determined. This bird-based system of divination has traditionally been passed down to generations through guru (master or teacher). In a seamless cycle, the art is said to have been taught by Goddess Parvati to Lord Muruga who, in turn, taught it to Siddhas (seer) such as Agasthiar. Legend has it that Goddess Parvati had also trained Nandhi Devar in this art who, in turn, passed the knowledge down to Siddhar Bogar from whom Romarishi inherited it.

It is generally directed that the Panchapatchi Sastra must be used constructively without harming anyone with a bona fide intention. It is customary for the gurus to instruct their disciples not to indulge in experimenting on oneself, just having a smattering of the sastra (system of knowledge) because such a half-baked initiative will entail problems to the practitioner. This art of divination used to be taught only to a disciple who had been a student for 12 years together.
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